I've been at the Edwards blog all day as you can imagine. There have been many inspiring things happen since John decided to suspend his campaign.
We've seen all the true liberal candidates either drop out or made ineffective by a big money machine that is grinding their way albeit not as easy, I'm sure, as they would have first imagined it would be, to a Nomination that the DLC has anointed.
John Edwards was the reason it wasn't so easy. He sparked something in a lot of people that is not going to die. Like an ember glowing in the forest I feel this blaze sweeping across this country. Whatever happens on Feb. 5th John Edwards, and his voters will be a force to be dealt with.
This was posted by one of his supporters. I'm passing it on verbatim as I wouldn't change a word.
"One thing is clear... whichever candidate does get the nomination, his or her chance of victory will rest largely on the ideas Mr. Edwards brought to the campaign."
And so I marvel at the rush to judgment and all the whispering: "Who are the Edwards people going to vote for now?" And I marvel as I watch the "Important People" circling to endorse - like vultures picking over the carcass of Edwards' campaign.
But as an Edwards supporter, alive and still with my own mind, I'd like to say: Although I urge everyone to unite behind the Democratic nominee in November, no matter who he or she may be, what's more important now - in this primary, February 5th - is to vote your conscience. And if you believe in John Edwards, vote for John Edwards! Vote for him as a way to ensure that the ideas he and Elizabeth brought to the Party will endure.
The other candidates have honored his platform by using his words and ideas. But united, they could turn their back on his progressive agenda unless we hold their feet to the fire. We need to shore up what he stands for. We need to show Hillary and Obama that we, the Edwards People, are still a force to be reckoned with.
For although John Edwards is no longer a candidate, he - and those of us who believe in his ideals - are still voters in this election. And now more than ever, if we want to uphold grassroots democracy, it's important to show the money, the media, the Democratic Party - and especially the candidates - where we stand and what we expect them to honor as we go forward:
the ideas, ideals, passion and platform John Edwards brought to a failing system and a failing party.
This is our only chance and the only way we can show it. So if you believe in John Edwards and what he stands for, vote for him on Tuesday."
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