Friday, February 8, 2008

Whats it for?

Some one made the comment last night what do I hope to gain? I had to laugh because that person just didn't understand an Idealist.

An idealist is this...

1 a: an adherent of a philosophical theory of idealism b: an artist or author who advocates or practices idealism in art or writing2: one guided by ideals; especially : one that places ideals before practical considerations

Now see if you understand

An idealist doesn't care about the outcome. Yes John has 26 delegates we hope to add to that total oblivious of the fact that there's not enough delegates left for him to win. What an idealist cares about is that they stood by what they believed in.

An idealist leads a small rag tag army across a frozen river in hopes of beating a much larger force. An idealist doesn't care they'll get in trouble for throwing tea in the harbor because they know they are right. And an idealist will stand their ground till they are able to place their flower in the barrel of a weapon that would blow them to pieces.

I'm an idealist. I know that Johns withdrawn and suspended his campaign but it hasn't suspended what I believe in. I believe in the same things John Edwards believes in. I plan to go to the polls here when I can and vote for John Edwards. It may be the only vote he'll get here in Kentucky but when it shows up on the screen know that it was me and know that I stood firm in my beliefs and I can rest at night knowing I did what I had to do.

A feeling of satisfaction. Thats what I hoep to get out of this. Thank you.

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