Saturday, July 19, 2008

Who's a Veteran?

To start with I guess we should explain what a veteran actually is. Of course you can be a veteran without ever being in the military. Veteran just gives you a sense of purpose in what ever your a veteran in whether it be police, fireman, military, etc. It just highlights your experience.

Anyone who has been in the military for any length of time is considered a military veteran and then the military awards status according to where you were stationed and what you did while you were there. WWII, Korea, Vietnam and now Iraq/Afghanistan, the men and women who participated in them were known also by the added distinction of their particular conflict.

I'll discuss the Vietnam war because that was the one I was involved in. It was a war like this country had never seen before, brought into your living rooms nightly on the news and it seems to be tearing the country apart even to this day, some 35 years later, as it did then. I'm speaking of course about our current political campaigns and how anyone who served in the Vietnam war is suspect in using anything about their veterans status for an advantage. In fact I can't think of any other period in time when someone would have the gaul to guestion a candidates service to his country. Now we have coined a phase which should stand for honorable service but instead Swiftboats will have forever been cursed with the stigma of hate and lies.

The Vietnam war has also brought out a new phenomenon. In all the other wars up to Vietnam there was no distinction as to what your service included. If you stormed the beaches at Normandy or supported the aircraft in England you were considered a WWII veteran. Now it seems there is a small movement who insist that if someone claims to be a Vietnam vet they'd better be able to show their DD214 to prove it and you'd best have served in combat, and in country. I'm not sure what drives their reasoning maybe it was the divisive nature of the war, it's hard to tell. I wrote to a few veterans organizations about it and they confirmed that, to their amazement, some were trying to make the distinction.

To give you some insight into what I'm talking about. I personal served 6 months on Guam in 1968 and 12 months in Thailand at Utapao and Takhli RTAFB in 1969-70 all of these bases were considered as in the Vietnam Theater of operation. There are now some who would take offense at calling anyone who served in those country's as support of Air Operations in Vietnam supporting the troops on the ground, a Vietnam Veteran. It's petty, childish, unsubstantiated and divisive but that's what that war seemed to do best, divide us.

It should be interesting from now on though. McCain is the last of the Vietnam era vets that will take a shot at the Presidency. With the new crowd coming up there's not a lot of military experience to be a factor so maybe we can forget about swiftboats and let them rest. Then the "In Country" crowd can just drink beer, fart, and pound their chest all they want. "Ain't Nothin But A thing!"

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