Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Prime Example of Swiftboating

It's remarks like these, unfounded accusations, that make it so bad. These obsessive individuals who rant and rave without anything to prove their story. These individuals and forums who support them should be examined because it's one thing any veteran knows, when someone obsesses like this they are trying to take the heat off themselves. We most always find out they are the ones who are hiding a lie... :)

Roastin' NeoCon Nuts

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Re: CONFIRMED: Acebass Fake Military Veteran!!!
Now Acebass/LibLaw has me wondering what an Edwards Democrat is like now that I fairly know what a wasted lying slug Ronnie is. Seriously. I really want to know!

Oh yeah, once again Acebass/LibLaw... your not a Vietnam Vet according to sources.

Does this also mean that you understand how other wannabes like you feel? How about you write a story about wannabes like yourself. Simply title it 'confessions'

Billy C from Cincinnati

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